What about us? Youth (un)employment in times of COVID-19

Samia Kassid

The youth workforce is particularly vulnerable to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. Good policies are now more than needed to pave the way for decent and sustainable jobs for young adults.

COVID-19 has shown us just how fragile and globalised our economies and societies are. Poverty and income inequality will severely limit opportunities for youth employment in the post-COVID world.

Today, there are 1.8 billion people in the world between the ages of 15 and 35 - a quarter of the global population. This is the largest generation of youth and young people the world has ever known.

The global recession resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic is expected to result in the …

Samia Kassid

World Future Council
Samia joined the World Future Council as Senior Project Manager for the rights of children in May 2014. Samia has several years of experience in...

The use of private capital to provide for climate-friendly reconstruction phase after corona fit for our grandchildren

Prof. Dr. Maximilian Gege

The current corona pandemic has led to an abrupt economic and social slowdown never previously thought possible. Private and business enterprises face challenges which are proving almost impossible to master. The post-Corona reconstruction phase also requires us to set the right course now in terms of climate policy and to discuss innovative concepts with sustainable effects for the future. For this reason B.A.U.M. proposes establishing a FUTURE and CLIMATE PLAN for Germany and Europe. This concept includes a sustainable economic recovery plan with innovative concepts for reconstruction, transformation and strengthening the resilience of the economy and society after corona. It also supports …

Prof. Dr. Maximilian Gege

B.A.U.M. e.V.
Professor Dr. Maximilian Gege is a founding member and chairman of B.A.U.M. e. V. - representing over 500 companies of various sizes and from various...

Biodiversity as insurance: aligning economic stimulus packages with long-term nature conservation goals

Dr. Jasper Meya

The corona pandemic reminds us how vulnerable modern societies have become through their treatment of nature. At the same time, many people have experienced nature as a source of recreation during the lockdown. On today's International Day for Biological Diversity it is worth remembering that 2020 is a crucial milestone for global biodiversity conservation. To seize this opportunity, economic recovery programs should systematically take into account the value of biodiversity and initiate a nature-compatible development path.

The man-made emptying of the world

Humanity is emptying the natural world. 25% of all animal and plant species are threatened with extinction (IPBES 2019). 75% of …

Dr. Jasper Meya

German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
Dr. Jasper Meya is environmental economist and works as senior researcher at the Biodiversity Economics Group, German Centre for Integrative...

The Coronavirus Crisis as a Social and Scientific Challenge

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Renn
Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl

The importance of sustainability and resilience

A reconstruction after the coronavirus crisis must be a transformation which strengthens the sustainability of the economy and society. The huge state interventions and investments to protect the economy which have been prompted in the short term by the coronavirus crisis must therefore be oriented towards the guiding concept of sustainability. Otherwise, new money will be used to reinforce rather than correct an already misguided course of development away from sustainability and the conservation of resources.

As long as a relationship with the environment prevails that treats it as an inexhaustible resource and landfill site, and as long as …

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Renn

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Born on 11th July, 1956, in Moers. Degree in physics Free Univ. Berlin (1983), doctorate in mathematics Berlin Technical Univ. (1987), collaborator/co...

Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl

Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
Born on 23rd February, 1954, in Munich. Study of chemistry Munich Univ., doctorate Munich Univ. (1982), postdoctoral stays in Cambridge and Basel...

Killing two birds with one stone? Green dead ends and ways out of the coronavirus crisis

Prof. Dr. Erik Gawel
Prof. Dr. Paul Lehmann

Public measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic are leading to a severe economic crisis these days. In order to cope with this crisis, many expect the state to act strong. Therefore, governments across the world have pledged billions of Euros for extensive recovery programs. But how “green” should these recovery programs be?

The coronavirus crisis as a moment for interest groups

When the quick distribution of a big amount of public money is announced, huge desires arise. The opportunity to make use of these public funds in their own interest, brings lobbyists of every shade to the scene – preferably with old wish lists on hand. On the one hand, climate change mitigation is put under …

Prof. Dr. Erik Gawel

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Head of UFZ Department of Economics and Full Professor for Institutional Evironmental Economics at Leipzig University. Director of the Institute for...

Prof. Dr. Paul Lehmann

Leipzig University
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Paul Lehmann is Assistant Professor of Environmental and Energy Economics at the University of Leipzig in cooperation with the UFZ. He...