Ecology of data: we should use the coronavirus crisis as an opportunity to make digitalisation beneficial for sustainability

Henning Banthien

In times of upheaval, we see developmental trends in a magnifying glass. The question isn't just what the coronavirus crisis “does to us”; on the contrary, “what we do” with the crisis is far more relevant. The momentum of the crisis should be used to turn the juxtaposition and partial opposition of two very important developmental trends into a collaborative process for creating something new: We need to be building synergies from the interaction of digitalisation and sustainability! Both developments – digitalisation and sustainability – are based on similar basic principles. It therefore is no accident that both fields make use of the “ecosystem” concept. The sustainability community …

Henning Banthien

Henning Banthien joined the IFOK team in 1996. In January 2009 he became a Managing Partner at IFOK. Since 2015 he also serves as Secretary General of...

COVID-19: let’s make sure we don’t learn the wrong lesson

Geoffrey Boulton
Dr. Heide Hackmann

We are in the midst of one of the biggest global wake-up calls in history, threatening both individual lives and entire economic and social systems. Let’s make sure we don’t learn the wrong lesson. It’s not just a public health emergency. It’s something bigger. It’s nature telling us that the new global ecology that we have created through our ravaging of Earth’s resources holds great risks for humanity. It’s telling us that local impacts of our actions are transmitted through the global ocean, the global atmosphere and though global cultural, economic, trade and travel networks to become global impacts. It’s telling us that national solutions alone are quite inadequate, that viruses and …

Geoffrey Boulton

International Science Council
Regius Professor of Geology Emeritus, University of Edinburgh; Research in geology/glaciology of environmental change; Governing Board member of the...

Dr. Heide Hackmann

International Science Council
Dr. Heide Hackmann is the CEO of the International Science Council, having previously been the Executive Director of the International Council for...

Use the economic stimulus package to build resilient, climate-friendly economic structures

Prof. Dr. Manfred Fischedick

Work is currently underway worldwide to stop COVID-19 from spreading and to develop a suitable vaccine. This is absolutely right and important, and is as much a top priority as maintaining the functioning of the public health system and providing care for people who have fallen ill with the virus.

At the same time, the huge shortterm economic consequences of the corona-virus crisis must be tackled with suitable instruments so that businesses in the country remain able to operate and can contribute to the country’s economic recovery after the crisis. This requires straightforward, pragmatic and unbureaucratic efforts so as to achieve a sufficiently rapid response and breadth of impact.

Mech …

Prof. Dr. Manfred Fischedick

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy
Manfred Fischedick is Scientific Managing Director of the Wuppertal Institute and Professor at the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics at the...

Risks and opportunities in responding to the coronavirus crisis

Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner

“The only thing missing right now is an invasion by extra-terrestrials,” is what a friend who works as a journalist said to me at the weekend. Her words seemed to sum up the strange situation in which our society currently finds itself. Over the months to come, decisions will be taken that determine our lives in the 2020s.

We are currently in a situation that experts have described as the perfect storm – a multidimensional crisis in which reciprocal dynamics of varying magnitude can cause considerable damage. Three forces must be tamed, which is possible, but in no way certain.

The first is the coronavirus crisis: if we fail to bring the virus under control and prevent it from spreading …

Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner

German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA)
The internationally renowned sustainability scientist Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner became President of the German Environment Agency on 1 January 2020. He...